Perspective: Hold On A Sec While I Get You Into Breakout Rooms

ZOOM— Alright, guys, hold on one second while I get you into breakout rooms.Okay, where’s the breakout room button again? Is it in one of the top menus, let’s see… File, Preferences-- oh, what did you say? Sorry, Billy, you’re muted. Billy, did you say something?Oh, it’s on the bottom? Oh, right right! I did this in my last class, I just keep forgetting. Okay, yep, there’s the breakout room button, okay. How many people do we have on the call? One, two, three, four…...sixty-three, sixty-four, sixty-- what? Billy, you’re muted. There you go.Oh, you’re saying I don’t need to do the math, I can just put how many people I want per group? No, but I need the groups to be even. For this activity, they need to be even. Okay okay, I lost count, let me try again. One, two, three…...two-hundred-fifty-seven, two-- wait, did you guys know you can see the number of participants on the participants tab? That makes things a lot easier! Okay, let me just put in the number, and…Oh, crap, it’s got Steve and Polly in the same room. They worked together last week, I want people meeting other people in the class. Besides, I think Steve and Polly are dating. They’re sitting next to each other every day. Well, their Zoom windows are next to each other on my screen, but same thing. Anyway, I gotta redo this with manual groups.Wait, why are people leaving the call? Class is still— oh, it’s 12:15? Eight days later? Okay, you can go.


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