BU Alert ‘A Little Clingy’ After First Date

BUPD—After their first date last night, Sarah Smith (CAS’17) reported BU’s emergency alert system was just “a little bit too clingy” for her tastes.The couple was at a restaurant enjoying a nice meal when BU Alert had to leave because of a probably very mundane situation occurring on Commonwealth Avenue.“The date actually wasn’t terrible, it was just that he had to leave so abruptly,” said Smith, “but now he won’t stop texting, he won’t stop calling, and he keeps leaving messages! Like, take a hint, dude.”Smith said that she has tried ignoring the text messages and phone calls, but BU Alert continues to contact her at all hours giving her updates about Boston University’s campus.“He’s also so obvious about the fact that he’s texting my roommate and all of my friends as well,” said Smith, “I mean, we aren’t official or anything, but come on dude, be a little more discrete if you’re going to be obsessively calling and texting more than one person.”At press time, Smith swore she would never go on date with a guy who is that passionate about his job again.


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