Rob Lester, Kate Sherry and 3,417 Others Posted in FREE & FOR SALE (BOSTON UNIVERSITY)

FACEBOOK—It was confirmed moments ago that Robert Lester (CFA ’15) and Kate Sherry (CAS ’17) have recently posted on the Facebook group “Free & For Sale (Boston University).” Lester is reportedly interested in giving away a white four-drawer chest that he will no longer need, while Sherry intends to sell her PS371 and LA245 textbooks.Sources have confirmed that, despite initial suspicions, this was the only new piece of information reported by Facebook and Alex hasn’t tagged you in any of the photos from that party yet.It has now been confirmed that Alicia Guarino (SMG ’16) has recently posted on the Facebook group “Free & For Sale (Boston University).”When asked if your phone was buzzing because of something he put on your Facebook wall, your friend Dylan commented “No, I didn’t post that video on your wall yet, it was probably something else.”It has now been confirmed that Kenneth Patullo (CAS ’14) has recently posted on the Faceb-It has now been confirmed that Christian Forsyth (COM ’17) and Kenneth Patullo have recen-It has now been confirmed that Robert Graves (SMG ‘16), Christian Forsyth and Kenneth Patullo have recently posted on the Facebook group “Free & For Sale (Boston University).”Shortly after these developments, an internal investigation revealed that your inbox currently does not have a new message. When asked for comment your inbox insisted “No new messages.”It has now been confirmed that Anthony Welsh (COM ’15) has recently posted on the Facebook group “Free & For Sale (Boston University).”Craig Reynolds from high school, the last person to ‘like’ that funny status you posted two days ago has just revealed that “I am still the last person to like it. No one else has liked it recently.”At press time, Jimmy Horne (CAS ’14) has recently posted on the Facebook group “Free & For Sale (Boston University).”


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