Pinkberry Opens in the GSU, Pinkberry Closes in the GSU
GSU—This semester, Pinkberry – a popular frozen yogurt store – has opened in the George Sherman Union. This semester, Pinkberry has closed in the George Sherman Union.Students were excited to get relief from the heat by cooling down on Pinkberry’s delicious desserts. However, the popularity of the store never took hold as the summer weather subsided soon after students returned to campus. The Pinkberry has since closed.“We planned to expand Pinkberry into the Boston University campus over the summer, knowing that students would love to cool down with a delicious frozen yogurt,” explained Pinkberry CEO Melissa Trenton (SMG ’95). “Oh shit, I forgot about the freezing winter that inhabits Boston from November through early April.”The GSU has plans to immediately replace the Pinkberry with a store that only sells beach towels.