Martin Luther King Jr. Left BU With a Dream, and I Left BU

By Madi Forrest | Photo by Tara Mullaney

I have a dream that one day I will be a BU alumni.

Lofty? Well, yes. 

I have truly been trudging through sludge these past couple of months, and Summer cannot come any slower.

BU loves to remind us about how Martin Luther King Jr. got his dream from BU, but as a student here for almost two years, I find that a bit hard to believe.

I have definitely dreamt of things while here, but nothing insightful, really.

I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt; maybe he wasn’t a CGS student taking COM classes like me, and something else inspired him. But what? 

I am unsure what to believe, because BU obviously would not lie to us.

So where is this dream? Where is this drive? Where can I find a fuck to give?

The only thing that has motivated me thus far at BU is the sun.

In the sun I daydream, I guess. But more about imaginary scenarios and fake conversations– nothing too major. 

Now that I begin to reflect (ew), the strongest dreams I have had while at BU are nightmares. Is this a reflection of the school? I do not know. 

Maybe there was a lot of sun during the years Martin Luther King Jr. attended this school, or maybe, and just maybe, he had his dream in addition to attending BU, not because of BU. Graduation looks so good right now. 


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