Whistleblower Alleges Mugar Library Contains Books

MUGAR MEMORIAL LIBRARY- In a series of tweets published Tuesday night, an anonymous source rattled the BU community by reporting that Mugar contains tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of books.“WE WILL NOT BE KEPT IN THE DARK,” reads one of the tweets from Twitter user ‘mugarbookspy.’ “WE DESERVE THE TRUTH FROM BU.”Another tweet in the thread made reference to the alleged books, noting that “hundreds of students study and sleep every day alongside STACKS of B**KS,” evidently censoring the word books. The account then attached pictures of book shelves, and finished with a call to the BU administration to “come clean about the book content in Mugar.”Students across campus reacted with shock at the allegations.“Frankly, there should be a lawsuit,” said Sarah Gills (QST ‘21). “If we as students are meant to keep ourselves safe, BU needs to disclose the presence of books in our communal spaces, or at least go about the process of removing them, whatever the cost.”By Wednesday morning, a crowd of students had gathered outside of Mugar to protest until the BU administration addressed the allegations. Students had signs that read “More like LIE-brary” and another that said “Is this what MLK Jr. stood for, BU?” Librarians watched the unruly crowd with mild interest.“Are you fucking kidding me?” replied one anonymous librarian when asked to comment. “Like really, are you serious? Are they serious? Come on.”At press time, the BU Administration had only responded in the form of President Brown responding to the Twitter thread with a tweet that read merely “lol delete this” (sic).


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