In Efforts to Avoid Controversy, Administration Invites Baby to Speak
BU TRACK AND TENNIS CENTER— The BU administration announced they will be hosting a lecture by Harold Greenwald, a local baby.Under pressure in a politically agitated time, BU decided to ease the strain by inviting a neutral speaker, someone that everyone can agree with, to come and speak. “Tensions are so high right now,” said Ann Newman, BU’s PR head. “We want to present an event that can bring the community together. Plus, Mr. Greenwald really is a fantastic speaker.”Harold Greenwald is a 7-month-old baby from Natick, MA. BU is the third stop on his 18 city book tour. He will be reading excerpts from his memoir, Harry’s Big Day, which is a sequel to his debut novel, Harry’s Big Morning. In addition, he will be discussing some of his work, which includes themes such as net neutrality and teething.Time of the event is subject to change based on Greenwald’s afternoon nap schedule. Tickets will be sold for $5 to raise money for a rainbow xylophone for Greenwald’s playroom. After his lecture, Greenwald will be available for a meet and greet and book signing.Greenwald has four books slated to come out in the next three years and is in the process of signing a deal with 21st Century Fox. He has received honorary degrees from Harvard, Yale, and Natick Preschool. Harry’s Big Day and Harry’s Big Morning are available in your pediatrician’s waiting room, the Oxford University Library, and anywhere books are sold.