International Student Revealed To Just Be Asian American

COM — Students and faculty alike are still reeling from the shocking reveal that film major Charles Kim (COM ‘22), long assumed to be an international student, is actually just Asian American.“I popped up in the BUTV10 newsletter, and I mentioned in my bio that I live outside Chicago,” explained Kim. “Pretty soon after that I was getting calls from my friends asking me if I misspelled Changwon, South Korea, or if I had a beach house by Lake Michigan.”Patrick Klein (ENG ‘22), who lives on the same floor as Kim, expressed outrage at the reveal. “I feel like he really just took advantage of everyone on this floor,” Klein complained. “We all made an effort to make him feel welcome by constantly complimenting his English, only to find out it’s been his first language the whole time.”Professor James Harlow, who teaches one of Kim’s film classes, also expressed anger at the reveal. “If I had known he could speak English, I wouldn't have insulted him for not speaking English, and then laughed at him when he said things like, 'I can actually speak English.'"At press time, multiple people have passed Kim and commented on his Canada Goose jacket. It is a North Face. He is wearing a North Face jacket.


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