5 Costumes That Say “I’ll Hook Up With Anyone Who Gets This Reference”

Last year you dressed up as a Golden Girl and totally nailed it. Then, everyone complimented you on your “80s old lady costume,” and you went home alone. This year, you’re lowering your standards: you will hook up with anyone who gets your costume’s reference. Anyone. Here are 5 costumes that are just niche enough that whoever recognizes them will be worth going home with.

1. Sexy Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Wearing Her Dissent Collar

It’s topical. It’s low-cut. It’s something you would only know if you watched her documentary and saw the fancy collars she wears whenever she gives a dissenting opinion. If he gets this reference, he’s for sure a feminist. Time to get disSENSUAL!

2. Cheryl Blossom as ‘Carrie’ in the “Riverdale” Production of Carrie

Cheryl Blossom would be niche in itself, but Cheryl Blossom playing “Carrie” in a production of Carrie is so meta that you’ll get a ton of raised eyebrows and maybe one “Oh my god, I love ‘Riverdale,’ it’s so bad but sooo good.” Plus, you can brag that you’re shamelessly plugging Boston University’s production of Carrie, November 1-3 in Tsai Performance Center.

3. Sexy “Garth” from Wayne’s World

Will he be a big enough comedy nerd to get this reference? Shyah, when monkeys fly out of your butt! Trust me, this costume is successful when included on one’s Tinder profile, so it’s sure to be just as successful within a real-life 5-mile radius of Allston. SCHWING!

4. Friedrich Nietzsche

Literally so nietzsche.

5. Brett Kavanaugh’s Calendar

Brett Kavanaugh used his 1982 calendar to “prove” he wasn’t at a party attempting rape. You can use this satirical calendar to get some CONSENSUAL action! Because at the end of the day, as sexy as your costume is, there is absolutely nothing sexier than consent. Happy Halloween!


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