Following Countless Student Complaints, BU BUS to Add 20 New Stops Throughout Campus
MARSH PLAZA—Due to excessive complaining from BU students, the BU BUS has implemented 20 new stops throughout campus.
Now, the average COMM AVE loop takes two and a half hours, excluding traffic delays. With stops every fifty feet, students will no longer have to worry about walking a whole block to their class.
The Bunion interviewed sophomore Trent Brockman (COM ‘21), who was incapable of walking from his dorm in Warren Towers to the COM building due to its distance. “Obviously I’m not going to go to class in COM,” Brockman said. “It’s too far.”
Now, there will be a bus that exclusively goes from Warren to COM and back.
Of course, there are cons to this new plan as well.
“It will take me one hour to get from Warren to Kenmore Square, but at least I don’t have to walk,” Brockman said.
At press time, sources reported that Boston University had entered into talks with the MBTA, hoping to add 50 more T stops to campus, as well as a potential bus route that would stop by every students dorm room.