Avicii Lives on in Allston Basements

ALLSTON - The recent death of EDM musician and DJ Avicii has affected Boston University students crawling through Allston. Fraternities are making sure Avicii’s legacy lives on in their basements.Although Avicii had not released new music in over a year, his death reminded everyone of his amazing beat drops and random remixes. His death made many think, “Oh $h!t, who was Avicii again?”On Friday, sophomore Allison Murkins (COM ’21) attended an Allston basement in order to commemorate Avicii’s short but powerful life and successful music. “Yeah, I was a really big fan of Avicii in 2013 when I was in middle school. Hearing his music playing in a frat the other night made me tear up. His music spoke to my soul,” Murkins shared with The Bunion in a tearful statement.Some students crawling through Allston this past weekend heard Avicii’s most popular single - Wake Me Up, blaring from house to house. Not only were students running to hit that beat drop, but many students even mentioned that they never wanted to leave frat basements if they were always going to play such powerful tunes.At press time, Avicii left The Bunion with powerful lyrics before his death. Wake me up when it’s all over, when I’m wiser and I’m older. Allston will forever carry on your legacy, Avicii.


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