Subletting Allston Apartment For Entire Study Period While I Waste Away In Mugar
Subletting my bedroom for the entire study period while I wither into a pile of dust in the right corner of the 4th floor of the library. Includes all furniture that I will not be taking with me to Mugar because I will be sleeping in a curled up ball atop a pile of books that is stacked 6 feet high. Private bathroom so you don’t have to be like me and shit your pants when you find out there’s a short answer section on my final as well. 100 dollars for the week, which I will spend on red bulls so that I can stay conscious for as long as possible. Friendly roommates who don’t study for their finals and couldn’t understand the scope of pressure that is on me right now. Renewable lease possible starting next September when I start Grad-School, if my bones haven’t dissolved by then. Message me if you’re interested :)