Student Feeling Much More Relaxed After Solid Spring Break Full Of Cultural Appropriation
Sources report that Tad Johnson (QST ’17) made it home safe and sound, feeling calm, cool, and collected, after his weeklong trip to Florida, where he engaged in hula dancing, got a henna tattoo, and even cornrowed his hair.“After living the tropical life for a week, I feel totally ready to come back in full force,” said Johnson, as he fashioned a bro tank with Sanskrit words that he didn’t understand on it.Johnson showed reporters an array of souvenirs including a plastic keychain copy of a sacred Native American artifact, which he called his “Indian carabineer,” a puka shell necklace, and a Rasta beanie.“It’s hard not to be relaxed when you’re just going with the flow of things like everyone down there,” as he stroked the beads at the end of his braids.Johnson isn’t the only student who spent his vacation culturally appropriating to feel more relaxed, many students have flocked to such locations such as Cabo, San Lucas, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico to engage in these activities.“Look at my fun Bindi! I’m so ethnic and I feel so good about myself because it’s very fashionable and in right now!” said Tanya Router (SHA ‘17).At press time, the students of BU were getting amped up for St. Patricks Day, showing off their four leaf clover beaded necklaces and ‘Kiss Me I’m Irish’ t-shirts.