Tire Empires Ceasefire, Retire Ire

COMMONWEALTH AVENUE—After spitting fire, escalations higher, and calls of “liar,” the two Upper Comm Ave tire empires have retired their ire and called a ceasefire.“We got out of that mire,” said Myer McGuire, putting away some pliers. “Just before things got dire.”His formal rival, Olivire Dwyer, agreed he was preaching to the choir. “Would-be buyers became deniers which made us criers,” he said while pinning up flyers.“When I retire, in order to leave this to the kids I sire, a ceasefire we would require,” said McGuire.At press time, the empires look to hire well-attired former friars wearing wires with no priors. Inquire at either of the two tire suppliers.


Gluten Glad it Got Rid of You, Too.


Student’s Upstairs Neighbor Experiences Uncharacteristic Dry Spell