Hip Mom Uses Emojis to Deliver Traumatic News
WARREN TOWERS—Ben Potter (COM ’18) said that he has received multiple dismaying text messages from his mother recently, all of which are narrated entirely through the use of emojis.“I opened up a text last week that was nothing but the old man head, the blue heart, and the shocked cat face,” states Potter. “That afternoon I called my dad and found out my grandfather had died of a heart attack.”Potter’s roommate, Dustin White (CAS ’18), said he finds the texts quite bewildering.“The other day Ben got this text from his mom with a three-person family, a big red ‘X’ and a broken heart,“ White said. "I guess the dude’s parents got divorced.”A teary-eyed Potter conceded that it was pretty cool him mother was keeping up with today’s technology.“It’s nice that she’s pulling off the ‘cool mom’ thing, it’s just…I’m sorry, I need a minute,” Potter said. "Does this mean my whole childhood was a lie?”Potter’s mother declined to comment through text, responding instead with a newspaper emoji and a 'thumbs down’ graphic.At press time, Potter was staring fixedly at a text consisting of the poodle, the blue front-facing car, and the single-tear sad face.