Five Minute Phone Call Leads Back To Square One
SOUTH CAMPUS—After sitting on the phone for five minutes with a representative from a campus office, a university student reports that he has ended up exactly where he began when he started the phone call.“I was e-mailing someone from Student Activities about reserving a space on-campus and they stopped replying,” said John Morone (CAS ‘14). “I noticed a phone number at the bottom of the e-mail so I called it, but the person who replied wasn’t the one I was e-mailing.”“I figured this person must be able to help me instead,” added Morone, who participated in the phone call that lasted at least five minutes and got him no closer to his goal than he was when he began.“Someone called the office earlier asking about some thing they had been e-mailing someone about, so I helped them out by pointing them in the right direction!” said Brittany Epson (COM '16), who put Morone on hold for a minute and a half before giving him the e-mail address of the employee he had already been in contact with.“I guess I’ll just send another email,” said Morone.At press time, all on-campus spaces have already been reserved and now it’s too late.