Last Monday of Classes Made Better By Weather

WARREN—Reports indicate that campus spirits are unusually high on this often-dreaded Monday, and the weather is to thank.“Normally, I hate all the finals reviews and stressful studying,” said Remy Peters (COM ’16), riding a shuttle crammed full of people to his pre-finals week exam. “But when I saw that it was freezing cold with sleeting rain, I couldn’t wait to get out of bed!”“Yay!” said Charles Dorf (CAS ’17).Elsewhere, Sarah Mather (ENG ’14), coming to class after the rain drenched her backpack and the final research paper inside, entered with a smile and asked, “Does this mean I get some sympathy to be late and go reprint it?”At press time, no. It does not.


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Student Activities Office Cancels All Upcoming Student Events Due To Single Misplaced Form